

Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1908)

Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1908)

On October 7, 1908, Austria-Hungary declared the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which led to the so-called annexation crises. Austro-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina as early as 1878, but only with the aforementioned annexation did it annex it to its territory in the true sense. Between 1878 and 1908, Bosnia and Herzegovina was nominally part of the Ottoman Empire, although in reality it was ruled by Austro-Hungary.

During this period, the administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina belonged to the Joint Ministry of Finance of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, headed at the time of the annexation in 1908 by Minister Baron (later Count) István Burián. During the Austro-Hungarian rule, Bosnia and Herzegovina also had its own governor, with the first in this position being General Baron Josip Filipović, and the last General Baron Stjepan Sarkotić.

In the same year, 1878, the Austro-Hungarian army also occupied the Novi Pazar Sandzak, but it was not annexed by Austro-Hungary in 1908. Somewhat later, an agreement was reached according to which the Austro-Hungarian army completely left the area of ​​the Novi Pazar Sandzak. Less than six years after the annexation, the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, which served as an occasion for the First World War.

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