

1556: Deadliest Earthquake in History

1556: Deadliest Earthquake in History
Photo Credit To http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Loess_landscape_china.jpg

It is estimated that 830,000 people were killed. The reason for such a record death toll is in the fact that most of the population lived in dwellings carved in a specific type of soil – loess.

On this day the deadliest earthquake in history occurred in China. It is estimated that 830,000 people were killed. It happened in Shaanxi Province in inner China. The reason for such a record death toll is in the fact that most of the population lived in dwellings carved in a type of specific soil – loess (the silt soil that windstorms deposited on the plateau over the ages).

These dwellings similar to caves collapsed because of the earthquake and killed a lot of people within. It is estimated that this was the 3rd worst natural disaster in history (the first and the second were floods in China in 1887 and 1931, which killed probably more than a million people each).

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