

The first fully sound film in history (1928)

The first fully sound film in history (1928)

On July 6, 1928, the first full-length film in history premiered, entitled Lights of New York. Namely, unlike previous films in which there were sound scenes, but also silent ones, the Lights of New York were entirely shot in sound technology. A Vitaphone system developed by Western Electric was used for this purpose. The sound was recorded on phonographic plates, and during the projection the rotation of the plates was mechanically synchronized with the film projector.

The lights of New York were made under the auspices of Warner Bros., which was at the forefront of sound technology. The production of the film cost $ 23,000, and the earnings were over $ 1,000,000, which was a huge success. Due to the popularity of sound technology, other companies soon had to follow Warner Bros. so as early as the end of the following year (1929) Hollywood produced practically exclusively sound films.

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