

Prince Alexander von Thurn-Taxis was born in 1881.

Prince Alexander von Thurn-Taxis was born in 1881.

In Italian, the prince’s name was written Alessandro della Torre e Tasso, and it is from the Italian King Victor Emmanuel II. received in 1923 the title of duke of the castle of Devin (Italian: Duca di Castel Duino). It was about the time when Benito Mussolini was already at the head of the Italian government.

On July 8, 1881, Prince Alexander was born from the extremely wealthy Thurn-Taxis family. He was born in Mzell Castle in the Czech Republic, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy at the time. The Thurn-Taxis family was one of the richest in Germany, but also had considerable estates in the Czech Republic and other countries. Alexander inherited estates in the area of ​​present-day Italy, including the impressive castle of Devin, in Italian called Castel Duino. This castle is located about 20 kilometers northwest of Trieste and near Monfalcone.

After the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the First World War and its complete disintegration, Prince Alexander von Thurn-Taxis became a citizen of the Kingdom of Italy, which also owned the area around the aforementioned Devin Castle. In Italian, the prince’s name was spelled Alessandro della Torre e Tasso. It is interesting that from the Italian King Victor Emmanuel II. received in 1923 the title of duke of the castle of Devin (Italian: Duca di Castel Duino). It was about the time when Benito Mussolini was already at the head of the Italian government. Prince Alexander von Thurn-Taxis lived until 1937, and the ducal title was then inherited by his eldest son.

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