

Emperor Augustus in the childhood of Jesus Christ – 14.

Emperor Augustus in the childhood of Jesus Christ – 14.

On August 19, 14, the first Roman emperor, Octavian Augustus, died. There is a rumor that he was poisoned by his wife Livija, with the help of poison put in fresh figs. It is interesting that Emperor Augustus died in the month of Augustus (August), which was named after him only twenty years earlier (earlier that month was called Sextilis).

Of course, in the 14th year, Jesus Christ lived as a boy in Galilee, which was under Roman supremacy. The Roman prefect of Judea was Anias Rufus at that time, and about 12 years later Pontius Pilate took that position. In Galilee, Herod Antipas had a kind of autonomous power, as the tetrarch of Galilee.

Emperor Augustus was succeeded by Tiberius, the son of the said Livy from her first marriage (he was Augustus’ stepson, but they were not otherwise blood relatives).

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