

Croatia declares independence

Croatia declares independence

Until 2001, the Statehood Day in the Republic of Croatia was held on May 30 every year, in memory of the constitutive session of the first multi-party parliament.

June 25 is celebrated in the Republic of Croatia as Statehood Day, because on that day in 1991, independence was declared. On that day, the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia passed the historic “Constitutional Decision on the Independence and Sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia”, as well as the “Declaration on the Proclamation of the Sovereign and Independent Republic of Croatia”. However, due to the protests of the European Community mission, the implementation of these two decisions was postponed for three months, the so-called By the Brijuni Declaration of July 8, 1991. The three-month moratorium expired on October 8 of the same year, a day after the rocketing of the Banski dvori in Zagreb.

Thus, only on October 8, at a session in the basement of INA’s building in Šubićeva Street, the Parliament passed a “Decision on the termination of all state-legal ties on the basis of which it formed the former SFRY together with other republics and provinces”, which finally seceded from Yugoslavia. . It is interesting that until 2001, Statehood Day in the Republic of Croatia was held on May 30 every year, in memory of the constitutive session of the first multi-party parliament, and only in 2001 was June 25 determined to be Statehood Day.

However, last year it was decided that the date of June 25 will be marked as Independence Day, while May 30 will officially be Statehood Day.

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