

Author of the unforgettable adventures of little Alice

Author of the unforgettable adventures of little Alice

English writer and mathematician, author of the unforgettable adventures of little Alice, Lewis Caroll was born on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury. His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and he chose his pseudonym by translating his two personal names Charles Lutwidge into Latin as Carolus Ludovicus and then re-angling them. He was educated at Oxford University, where he later taught mathematics and logic for 26 years. In 1861 he also became an Anglican priest.

Alice in Wonderland wrote the novel in the first half of the 1860s, based on a story told to a girl by Alice Liddell, the daughter of a friend from Oxford. The novel was a huge success, prompting him to write an equally popular sequel to Alice Beyond the Mirror. Although books were written for children, unsentimental humor, paradoxical logic and humorous word games abound, they became part of English cultural heritage.

He has also written a number of humorous poems, one of which highlights the poem Hunting for the Snark, and several mathematical works. He was also an enthusiastic and talented amateur photographer.

Lewis Caroll passed away in 1898 at a home in Guildford.

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