

An extinct bird after which penguins are named

An extinct bird after which penguins are named

The last specimens of the Great Auk, which exterminated this bird species, were killed on June 3, 1844. The Great Auk had the Latin name Pinguinus impennis and in fact the name penguin came from its name in the languages ​​used in northern and western Europe.

Penguins, which live around the South Pole, were named after her only later, because they reminded European researchers of the appearance and way of life of great auks. Despite the superficial resemblance, penguins are not closely related to great auks, although they took their name from them. Note that penguins live exclusively in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, while great auks lived exclusively in the northern.

The large mink was quite large, with an average height of 75 to 85 centimeters and a weight of about five kilograms. She couldn’t fly, but she was a great swimmer. It lived in large colonies, with many individuals most often huddled together on rocks. People hunted them heavily for their down, which led to a large reduction in their numbers.

The last two confirmed specimens of great auks were killed on the islet of Eldey near Iceland. This islet is similar to a steep rock rising from the sea, and it was once home to a whole colony of great auks. The last specimens killed were a couple who also had a hatched egg, which was damaged when their parents were killed.

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