

1987: The 5-billionth Inhabitant of the Earth Born in Zagreb

1987: The 5-billionth Inhabitant of the Earth Born in Zagreb
Photo Credit To Wikipedia Commons/St. Mark's Church in Zagreb, Croatia

Story Highlights

  • Historical event
  • 11 July 1987
  • The 5-billionth inhabitant of the planet Earth, Matej Gašpar from Zagreb, finished Chemistry School and attended Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. His hobby is scuba diving. Interestingly, the UN, meanwhile, declared his birthday, i.e. this day (11 July) the World Population Day.

On this day, Matej Gašpar, who was proclaimed 5-billionth person on planet Earth by the UN, was born in Zagreb. 

At that time, the Universiade was held in Zagreb, from 8 till 19 July in 1987.

On the occasion of the birth of the 5-billionth inhabitant of the planet Earth, Zagreb was officially visited by the UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, in office from 1982 till 1991.

Mentioned Zagreb resident Matej Gašpar to this day completed Chemistry School, and attended Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology.

His hobby is scuba diving. Interestingly, his status of the 5-billionth person on planet Earth never brought him any gains, in fact, he was only bothered by journalists, who usually contact him around this day when is his birthday. 

In the meantime, UN declared his birthday, 11 July, the World Population Day, precisely because of the fact that he was born on that day as the 5-billionth inhabitant of the planet.

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