

1781: Rebel Leader Túpac Amaru II Executed

1781: Rebel Leader Túpac Amaru II Executed
Photo Credit To https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TupacAmaruII.jpg

Túpac Amaru II was of Indian-European origin, and maintained a strong identification with the Inca tradition. He was the leader of an uprising in 1780 against the Spanish colonial rulers in Peru.

This day in 1781 marked the execution of the rebel leader Túpac Amaru II, who was a fighter against the Spanish colonialists. Túpac`s real name was José Gabriel Condorcanqui, but he used the mentioned name because he claimed he was a descendant of the last Inca ruler Túpac Amaru, who had lived about 200 years earlier (in the 16th century).

Túpac Amaru II was born in 1742 and of Indian-European origin, but maintained a strong identification with the Incas tradition. He lived in the area of present-day Peru, and was born in the city of Cuzco, the former capital of the vast Inca Empire.

He was the leader of an uprising in 1780 against the Spanish colonial rulers in Peru. At the beginning of the rebellion, the Spanish governor Antonio de Arriaga was captured and killed (he was the Tintan corregidor, i.e. the Spanish provincial governor). The main cause of the uprising was the exploitation of the Natives by the Spanish colonialists.

The uprising was brutally crushed by 1782, and Túpac Amaru was quartered and beheaded by the colonial authorities in Cuzco.

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