

1554: Young English Lady Jane Grey beheaded

1554: Young English Lady Jane Grey beheaded
Photo Credit To https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Paul_Delaroche_-_The_Execution_of_Lady_Jane_Grey.jpg

Jane Grey is often referred to as “The Nine Days’ Queen” because she ruled England for only 9 days.

On this day in London Lady Jane Grey was executed at the age 16 or 17. She is famous because she was the Queen of England with the shortest reign in history. She is often referred to as “The Nine Days’ Queen” because that is exactly how long she ruled England.

Lady Jane Grey came to the throne after King Edward VI, who died at the age of 15, nominated her as successor to the Crown in his will. After nine days of reign the prominent Englishman decided to overthrown Jane. She was imprisoned in the Tower of London and awaited her execution. She and her young husband Lord Guildford Dudley were executed on this day.

The concession that the new Queen Mary Tudor granted to Jane Gray, as her cousin, was that she would be executed without an audience, in the privacy of the Tower of London.

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