

1348: The First German University was Actually Founded in Prague

1348: The First German University was Actually Founded in Prague
Photo Credit To https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Prague_Charles_University.JPG

On this day in the Middle Ages, a bull was issued to the first university on what was once territory of Germany. It is interesting the university was located in Prague – the famous “Charles University” (Czech: “Univerzita Karlova”). Namely, Prague and the Bohemia were at the time part of the so-called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

Indeed, the mentioned “Charles University” is the oldest university in the whole of Central Europe. It was named after the ruler who, on this day, elevated it to the status of university – Charles IV of Luxembourg – who was an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and also the King of Bohemia.

Today, the “Charles University” in Prague is the largest Czech university, and is very highly ranked internationally. As an aside, the oldest university on the territory that is considered German today, i.e. the area of the Federal Republic of Germany, is located in Heidelberg, which was established in 1386 (about 38 years after the “Charles University”).

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