

1916: Albert Einstein Publishes the Theory of Relativity

1916: Albert Einstein Publishes the Theory of Relativity
Photo Credit To http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/02/10/t1larg.einstein.gi.jpg

Einstein’s theory explains the gravitational force to be a result of the curvature of space and time.

On this day Annalen der Physik, Einstein’s general theory of relativity, was published in a German scientific journal. This theory explains  gravitational force to be a result of the curvature of space and time. The experimental evidence for this theory is the phenomenon of bending of light by gravity in a strong gravitational field (for example, a star).

Einstein’s general theory of relativity was largely accepted when it was used to explain irregularities in the movement of the planet Mercury. Namely, these irregularities could not be explained with Newton’s theory of gravity. Even today, nearly 100 years since its publication, Einstein’s general theory of relativity captivates many physicists.

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