

1793: Who was the Richest Man in France at the Time of the Revolution?

1793: Who was the Richest Man in France at the Time of the Revolution?
Photo Credit To https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Nattier_L_J_M_de_Bourbon_duc_de_Penthievre.jpg

Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Penthièvre and probably the richest man in France, died on this day during the French Revolution. Even though he was a wealthy aristocrat, the revolutionaries did not harm him, probably because he was a well-known benefactor.

The Duke was related to the French king Louis XIV (the Sun King). Many distinguished aristocratic titles were united in his person. Thus he bore 7 different ducal titles, probably the only such case in the entire history of France. In addition, he bore two princely and three comital titles.

It is interesting that the Duke of Penthièvre attained the rank of general at the age of 7, and later became a marshal. At the age of 12 he was appointed Admiral of France and the minister of the navy. He also held the court functions of Grand Huntsman of France and Grand Master of France.

He possessed many different castles, such as the famous château de Rambouillet (today the official summer residence of French presidents), and the châteaus at Amboise, Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, La Ferté-Vidame, Sceaux, Anet, Aumale, Dreux, Gisors, and Chanteloup. He was probably one of the wealthiest people in Europe at the time.

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