

1792: Beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars

1792: Beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars
Photo Credit To https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Le_D%C3%A9part_des_Volontaires_%28La_Marseillaise%29_par_Rude,_Arc_de_Triomphe_Etoile_Paris.jpg

Revolutionary France declared war on the Habsburg Monarchy.

On this day in 1792 Revolutionary France declared war on the Habsburg Monarchy. The declaration of war was voted into effect by the Legislative Assembly, which served as a sort of parliament in France at that time. The declaration of war was addressed to the King of Bohemia and Hungary (French: roi de Bohême et de Hongrie). Namely, the revolutionaries had already used that title for Emperor Francis II, who ruled the Habsburg Monarchy at that time. The title was belittling, since Francis II also held the higher title of Holy Roman Emperor.

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