

1758: Death of Pope Benedict XIV

1758: Death of Pope Benedict XIV
Photo Credit To https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Benoit_XIV.jpg

He was a patron of the arts and science, promoting the study of the human body, laying down the groundwork for the Vatican Museum, beginning the catalogue of the Vatican Library, etc.


This day marked the death of Benedict XIV, a pope who hailed from Bologna, the second-largest city of the Papal State (after Rome). His birth name was Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini and he stemmed from a noble family. He became a cardinal at the age of 53, and three years later he also became the archbishop of his native Bologna. It was a highly-respected position and was held by cardinals since the 16th century. Lambertini was elected pope at the age of 65, taking the name Benedict XIV.


As leader of the Papal State, he reduced taxation and promoted agriculture and free trade. He was a patron of the arts and science, promoting the study of the human body, laying down the groundwork for the Vatican Museum, beginning the catalogue of the Vatican Library, and publishing numerous theological and ecclesiastical books and documents.


On a more personal level, he is remembered for his many visits to edifices and monuments in Rome by carriage and sedan chair in order to make public appearances. Benedict XIV died in Rome, aged 83.

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